Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Waiting Game

I'm hoping to make this one short, but it's something I have to answer to.

Whenever I browse Facebook or any other social media outlet, I find myself stumbling across motivational/demotivational/inspirational/bullshit quotes people post in the moment they feel it's most needed. That's great. Find the quote that matches your current outlook and go with it.

However, there is one that I simply cannot stand. It's not so much a direct quote, but more about one that says something to the effect of "...don't worry, everything else will he handled, live for right now." Which is complete bullshit. I detest this one the most for a few reasons:
  1.  Who sits back and makes millions? Who has laid on their ass and gotten exactly what they want out of life? Even though statistics are made up 75.49% of the time, it's statistically impossible for you to let everything come to you and still get exactly what you want. No matter where you are in life, you cannot give up on what you want to do. So "laying back and just living" is bullshit.
  2. Even when you live by that quote, your still out there trying to handle something. Your life is not some chair-ridden, middle-aged, overweight being that finds a way to provide for you. You must find a way to access the best out of life. And that mean's doing something. That means going out and doing exactly what you've set out to do. It's almost a complete contradiction of the quote you tell yourself you're living by every day.
  3. If you have to  tell yourself this every day, quit. If you want something, go after it. Life is too short to wait for something to pop up.  Who knows when it will pop up, or if it ever does. Living for right now was great when you were younger and under the care of someone else. You could do whatever you wanted. And it was great. Underwear in public was completely acceptable for that "live for right now" moment. Now, you are under your own care. And you take care of yourself. And you should probably find a way to do a damn good job of it.
  4. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, GO AFTER IT. I feel like I'm repeating myself...
I understand what the quote is trying to convey, and I feel for those who are stuck in that moment. But I can't stress this enough that you just can't sit around and hope it comes to you. Once you find out what you're meant to do, go do it. Fail. Try Again. Fail Again. But mostly, try again. And succeed.