Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Readings from 8/30-09/01

Finding it hard to believe I have passed another week of college. The days grow shorter, and I find myself unable to keep up with the speed just yet. At any rate, my initial reaction to reading anything is to put something off until the very last minute. I, of course, have a natural inclination to just glance over things and hope for the best considering I know I didn't give it my best. Unfortunately for me, I read every page there was to read in Marshall McLuhan's, "The Medium is the Massage". Captivating, frightening, and yet soothing. Captivating in the pictures and the way the communication was forced. Frightening in a sense of how much foresight one person really had for technology. Soothing in the nature of which the book was written. The book itself just gave me the idea that someone had too much coffee or too much on their mind at one time. I enjoy the spontaneous yet completely organized book.
    The book was understandably a little hard to follow. I caught the major points he was trying to make, but also ran upon some conclusions of my own. The main idea I understood was for us to not fear technology. Technology has bred new ways for us to do things. In respect to older technology, we are simply trying to enhance the capabilities of legacy technology.
         The other idea that I drew up on my own was the idea and the real mainframe behind the internet. It seems as if this book was thrown together. Not in an unorganized fashion, but simply with the idea that it was thrown together. In that respect, the internet throws information at us in full bore, but yet with organization to give you some idea of what you were looking for. The book is simply trying to show the media on paper rather than on a screen. It is a very interesting idea.
     The Meloni stuff I am still working on, but I anticipate learning some new material in the upcoming moments.

1 comment:

  1. You will really like Clay Shirky - he says there isn't an information overload, there is a filter failure.
